If your computer is extremely slow and it just keeps crashing all the time, instead of taking it in I would give Registry Easy a shot. Registry Easy enables you to fix it yourself so you don't have to take it in.
A good registry cleaner below. Registry Easy is one of the best and easiest registry cleaner to use. You can clean your registry at a click of a button. Check it out by clicking on the picture below! Registry Easy works with most versions of windows also, not just windows xp!
When using windows xp for a while, a lot of people start to experience a lot of problems. Windows xp allows a lot of clutter to build up on your system. It is just like a house and needs to be cleaned once in a while. Everyone needs a good registry cleaner for xp. It is also a good registry fix if your experiencing a lot of problems.
Have you ever had a new computer? Remember how fast it was when you got it right out of the box. You use it for a couple months and then it starts to get slower. The registry gets cluttered slowing the performance of your system down.
It is also just like a car. The computer needs to be tuned up every now and then. When you tune up a car you need tools, the same is for a computer. You need tools such as software which in this case would be a windows xp registry cleaner which will clean your registry and get it back up to snuff.
The problems you have been experiencing are having a slow computer making it difficult to do the things you like to do on the computer. Believe me I know how it is, I used to get so frustrated years ago until I learned how to clean my registry and do other computer maintenance that needed to be done.
A windows xp registry cleaner will fix a lot of the problems that you are experiencing. Computer freezing and crashing happens a lot. Especially when you are trying to get something done. Have you ever lost a project because your computer crashed and had to do it all over again? I know how this feels and it just sucks. I like to keep my computer free of computer crashing and freezing running at lightning fast speed.
Here is a list of things that the Windows Xp Registry Cleaner will fix.
Windows Installer Errors
Activex Errors
Activex Control Problems
Windows Startup Errors
Windows Explorer Errors
Windows Media Player Errors
Registry Errors
DLL Errors
Runtime Errors
Iexplore Errors
System32 Errors
Windows Xp Freezing
Windows Xp Crashing
Driver Errors
And a lot more. It will speed up your Windows Xp like it is brand new again. Cleaning and optimizing your computer are key to keep it running smooth.
The best windows xp registry clean will do all of the things above. It will be able to scan your windows xp with a fine comb tooth pick. It will make it easy for you being able to do it with a one or two clicks of the mouse. It won't be all technical and will be easy for anyone to understand. It will speed up your computer like you have never seen before. You won't have the problems you had after you fix all the problems. I recommend that you run it at least once a week to keep all the small problems from adding up to a big problem. The key is to keep it clean and free of registry errors.
Can we trust applications for cleaning the registry or do manually?